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Saved by Steven Dow
on April 17, 2010 at 2:18:47 pm

CS549:  Computing and Design Thinking

How does design thinking shape products, services, and communities?  This seminar examines cognitive, social, and organizational dimensions of creativity and problem solving.


Talks open to the public, every Friday during the academic quarter (F 12:50-2:05,  Gates B01)

Discussions for enrolled students and invited guests (F 2:15-4:05, Gates 392)



Steven Dow (Instructor), Terry Winograd (Instructor), Andrew Hershberger, Brie Bunge, Chigusa Kita, Rob Ryan, Hyejin Kim, Nina Khosla, Yannis Antonellis,




Date Speaker
Title Reading Assignment Discussion Response
4/2 Aaron Marcus

The Green Machine: Combining Information Design with Persuasion Design to Promote Eco-Action

"The Green Machine: Going Green at Home," Jeremie Jean and Aaron Marcus, User Experience, Volume 8, Issue 4, 2009. Week One
Steven Dow
4/9 Larry Leifer Dancing with Ambiguity: design thinking in theory and practice

"Engineering Design Thinking, Teaching, and Learning", Clive L. Dym, Alice M. Agogino, Ozgur Eris, Daniel Frey, and Larry Leifer, Journal of Engineering Education, January 2005.

Week 2
Rob Ryan
4/16  Harold Nelson Designing stuff: lame gods in the service of prosthetic gods

"The Design Way: Intentional Change in an Unpredictable World," Harold Nelson and Erik Stolterman, Educational Technology Publications, 2003.

Week 3    
4/23 Ed Catmull Recognizing and Addressing Blocks to Creativity

“How Pixar Fosters Collective Creativity,” Ed Catmull, Harvard Business Review, Sept 2008.

  Hyejin Kim 
4/30 Mitch Resnick Lifelong Kindergarten: Design, Play, Share, Learn

All I Really Need to Know (About Creative Thinking) I Learned (By Studying How Children Learn) in Kindergarten, Mitch Resnick, Creativity & Cognition, June 2007.

  Nina Khosla
5/7 David Kirsh How We Think with Bodies and Things     Andrew Hershberger 
5/14 Joy Mountford Data in our Creative Lives      
5/21 Jodi Forlizzi Interdisciplinary Design for Services, Systems, and Beyond

“Designing Adaptive Robotic Services,” Min Kyung Lee & Jodi Forlizzi, Intl Association of Design Research, 2009.

5/28 Joel Brandt Redesigning the Programming Experience: Understanding and Supporting Developers in the Age of the Web

“Example-Centric Programming: Integrating Web Search into the Development Environment,” Joel Brandt, Mira Dontcheva, Marcos Weskamp, Scott R. Klemmer, CHI 2010.

  Brie Bunge
6/4 Finals   Final essay    



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